#PhDaily Day 12 25/08/2015

An update, and an idea…

Hi everyone!

So it does indeed look like I will be processing NMR data for the foreseeable future! I have a lot of data to handle, which is frankly boring to tell you about and after the first day I imagine would be very boring and repetitive to read! This is likely to continue until the 3rd week in September – when I go on work placement for three months. I intend to restart the proper #PhDaily posts once I start on placement, as I hope this will be an interesting part of my PhD with lots to talk about. Just before I start, I will also do a post on what my placement is all about! But until then, I am still going to be giving a brief outline of my day, of course including if I do anything different, but then also throw in some NMR knowledge on some days too.

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